Foods to Help Liver Detox
- Lemon & water – add juice of ½ a lemon to 1 cup of warm water and drink in the morning. Helps stimulate bile production and gets digestion moving.
- Garlic & onions – have sulfur compounds that are necessary in liver detoxification
- Cruciferous veggies – brocolli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts all have compounds that help neutralize toxins & make glutathione (antioxidant for the liver)
- Asparagus, watermelon, brocolli – sources of glutathione
- Beets – are purifying to the blood
- Berries – blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries – all are high in antioxidants. Choose organic as much as possible to avoid pesticide intake
- Apples – high in fiber and pectin, which helps liver detox & malic acid to strengthens the cell’s energy-producers, the mitochondria
- Green leafys – think romaine lettuce, dandelion greens, kale, mustard greens, etc – are all high in antioxidants and slightly bitter to stimulate digestion
- Artichoke – increases bile production and is helpful in liver detox
- Turmeric, dill, caraway – a great spice to add to cooking to help liver detox effects
- Green tea– contains catechins to help neutralize toxins
- Healthy oils – fish oil, flaxseed oil
- Purified, filtered, or spring water – contains the least amount of potential toxins
- Eat organic as much as possible – to reduce toxic load on the liver
Foods to Avoid
- Saturated fats (meat, cheese, eggs) & hydrogenated oils (margarine, shortening) – obstructs the liver’s ability to function properly
- Sugars & refined carbohydrates (white flour, sweeteners, dried fruit) – causes instable blood sugar levels which makes your liver work harder to keep it stable
- Caffeine – interferes with liver enzyme activity
- Alcohol, tobacco, food preservatives – all slow the liver’s ability to function properly
Thank yu for sharing very helpful information. Keep it up!